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What Color Roses for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is nearly here, and women everywhere are feeling one word, exhausted.

Who could have predicted we would be celebrating Mother's Day amid a pandemic?

As unexpected as things have become, here are some tips for the perfect Mother's Day. Be sure to drop these hints for your partner to mysteriously find. The laundry bin might be a good spot:

She Does Nothing.

Do not have your wife do ANYTHING on Mother's Day. Not one plate should be washed. Not one sock should be picked up off the floor. Meal prep? Fuggedaboutit.

Make her Something.

Little ones are a natural Picasso. Use them to tug at her heartstrings with their perfect artwork.

Older kids can make something too. Their bed. Their laundry. Their own breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Bonus points if they drop mom an "I love you" note as a surprise inside their empty laundry bin.

Out of the House.

Your wife has been trapped in her house for WEEKS with the kids. Yes, the kids are the reason she is a Mother, but that's not the point. The point is that Mama needs a break.

Take the kids on a bike ride. Take them on a walk. Drive to another neighborhood and pretend you're on House Hunters. Do something to give her one hour (or more) alone in peace and quiet.


Yes, she wants a nap, and no, there should be no time limit. This would be an excellent time to get out of the house, as previously suggested.


Make her favorite meal or order take-out from her favorite place. You'll be supporting your local restaurants and saving her from cooking, it's a win-win.

Time Capsule It.

Mother's Day during a pandemic? Yeah, that needs a time capsule. Get a small container, an old shoe box, whatever you can find, and make a time capsule.

Include anything about your wife that was memorable during the quarantine. Have your kids do the same. It will be fun to look back on how crazy you made her during #quarantineandchill.


Mama has been watching Peppa Pig, Disney Channel, or your teen's latest vampire obsession on repeat. It's her turn today, and that means whatever SHE wants to watch.

Yes, even if it's Casablanca. So, round up the usual suspects and get comfy on the couch. Mama is in charge of the remote!

Say Yes.

You know how you and the kids always say no to the ultra-corny thing Mom wants to do?

You'll say, "Come on, Mom!" She will say, "OK, guess not, it's OK, we'll do something else." She will do this over and over again throughout your existence to make you happy because you do not want to do it, and she does not want to force you.

Maybe she wants a picture with you in matching outfits.

Maybe she wants you all to get into a family circle and sing Kumbaya.

Whatever it is, DO IT.

It's one day, one time. DO IT.


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What Color Roses for Mother's Day
